Long term care is perhaps the greatest threat to any estate and is the largest barrier to preventing clients passing their assets to their families. As we are living ever longer, we are also finding that we are requiring ever more complex and expensive care to cope with our longevity. How this care is funded represents the greatest financial threat to family resources and typically arises when families members are struggling to deal with the health of their loved ones as well as finding time to deal with the financial and legal implications of their care needs.
The course is designed to help you better understand the long term care market. This will mean understanding how a client is assessed for means tested benefits and from there, how to protect clients assets and give them the greatest amount of control over their future’s. We will also cover those who are dealing with care at the point of need and explain the options available. We will explore how, through will writing and estate planning, we can better help clients prepare for later life and the consequences of care.
This course will make you better informed about the risks to your clients, understand the range of solutions available and open up new business opportunities for your own practice. The course will give you knowledge and understanding to become better estate planners and will writers.
Tutor: Adam Johnson
Dates for 2024:
6th March – FULLY BOOKED
30th July
14th November
Timings: 09:30 – 15:30
5 hours CPD